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About ProCOAT

ProCOAT was established in April of 2000 in response to the lack of experienced conformal coating services in the marketplace. Our President, Salim Khalfan, has used his extensive knowledge of this process to train many of his customers and industry counterparts. Now this expertise is available to you from a respected leader in the industry.

ProCOAT offers excellent service and expert knowledge on conformal coating, potting and encapsulating. Our customers are among the leading edge of the electronics, aerospace and medical industries and require customized processes that match their technology.

ProCOAT has served and continues to serve Military, Aerospace, Medical, electronics, Industrial and commercial Industries to protect their printed circuit boards and assemblies. Our attention to detail, expertise and excellent customer service are widely recognized to be the best in our field and "Beyond your Expectations."

ProCOAT understands the importance of efficiency and reliability in the conformal coating service. Our customers use our experience in conformal coating services because they understand our workmanship is of an exceptional standard.

Our promise is to provide the best quality services at an affordable price, while ensuring that your product meets the highest standards of quality and workmanship. We will continue to expand our knowledge of conformal coating so that you will be able to stay on the leading edge of the ever-changing electronics market. Our work is not done until YOU are completely satisfied.


If your company requires any information involving conformal coating, potting, encapsulating, we can probably help save you time, money and pain.

We are here to help and provide excellent service. Pick our brains. Call our Technical help line at 760-510-9003 ext. 121 for impartial expert advice on all aspects of conformal coating, potting and encapsulation, including Health & Safety risks, guidance on the selection of conformal coatings solutions, removal of coatings and general applications, trouble shooting. Call us NOW, we are eager and happy to assist you.
We are a Green inspired company, and recycle all our hazardous solvents. We participate in voluntary waste programs with the State of California and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and are in full compliance with all local, state and federal requirements. green